Toshiko Wakabayash

Yoshiko Wakabayashi

» Meiji Sports Plaza
Spiritual Yoga[25F1]
Belongs to Meiji Sports
Plaza Instructor Department. A founder of Spiritual Yoga, the original program of ZAHAS Sports Club. She is in the position of instructing yoga, aerobics, and aqua exercises in Japan Fitness field after her own gymnastic experience. She studied yoga in Rishkesh in India including at Yoga Niketan, Sivananda Ashram, Swami Bodychidananda Ashram, and etc. Under the tutelage of Takusho, the Chief Priest of Asozan Kongohou Temple in Kita-Kyushu, she gained the knowledge of Mikkyo, Esoteric Buddhism. She is also a certified Senior Mental Physiological counselor.

Translate by Madoka Naka
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