» Kinesiology Yoga
Brain Yoga[24F2]
Profile: As a founder of Kinesiology Yoga, Japan. As a former gymnast and contestant at international salsa contests, she has an in-depth understanding of kinesiology. Yoga has brought about greater sensitivities and polished her intuitions, allowing her to feel even the most delicate and minute energy levels that surround us. Yuka studied Ashtanga yoga with Ken Harakuma before pursuing further studies in Tantra Yoga in India. At present, she teaches “Kinesiology Yoga”, “Brain Yoga” and “Kinesiology Yoga for Physical Self Expression” to students ranging from children to adult/business persons, artists and dancers. As an artist, her collaborative effort in the Healing Art project is unfolding. Authored “Winning with Brain Yoga”; Directed CD “Listen & Feel Yoga”

Translated by Tsuyama Kay
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