
Santosima Kaori


Her study in yoga and holistic therapies began in 2002 in the Bay Area, California. She has been studying under her guru, Dharmanidhi of the Sarasvati lineage since 2005, mainly focusing on yoga, meditation and Kashmir Shaivism Tantra in a gurukul system. She hopes to be a guide to her students so to help their true smiles to emerge and shine by removing their inner blocks, which disconnect them from realizing that they are "perfect as are", through yoga poses, pranayama, meditation and Ayurveda. She constantly travels overseas to deepen her study of yoga and Ayurveda, and keeps herself active as an organic life stylist and interpreter as well. She is also actively involved in projects for social contributions through yoga. She hosts a segment on NHK Dai-ichi Radio, "Yuru-ri Yoga", and is the author of Let's Enjoy Yoga Effectively at Home (Takahashi Shoten).

Yoga Studio Ohana Smile

There is nothing but Love

Hello to all Yoga Fest 2012 participants! Though there's always a great number of students coming to the event, I'd like to share with you time and space where we all feel connected to one another. I'm looking forward to seeing you there!


09/22 09:00-11:00
Yoga for Women  [22B1]