Jules Febre

Jules Febre

Jivamukti Yoga – Twist All Night[25G1]
Jivamukti Yoga – Standing[25G4]
Based in New York City, Jules Febre is an internationally recognized, Advanced Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher. Jules got his start with Jivamukti Yoga at the very young age of 6 under the tutelage of his aunt and uncle, Sharon Gannon and David Life. At the age of 13 Jules studied in India with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and Sri Swami Nirmalananda, his teachers’ teachers. After completing the Jivamukti Teacher Training program, Jules completed the 800-hour certification with his inspiring mentor, Yogeswari, and shortly thereafter received Advanced Certification. Having worked at Jivamukti since the age of 16 doing everything from sweeping floors, to managerial work, to teaching classes, to being a mentor in the teacher training program for the past 3 years, Jules is in great gratitude to all of his teachers.
Spending most of the time these days on the road teaching classes, workshops and Jivamukti Immersions around the world, his guiding question is always: What is yoga asking of us? To use the practices in a way that will enable us to cause a shift in our consciousness, our perception and thus our world and the lives of those around us is his answer.

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